Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Is a Drop Side Crib Your Best Choice?

A drop side crib may be beneficial in some ways, and a potential problem waiting to happen in others. Before you settle on a drop side crib, make sure you have considered all the pros and cons that come along with a model offering this feature. Parents have a number of options when it comes to baby furniture, so make sure you invest in a crib that includes all the safety features and conveniences you want.

The Benefits of a Drop Side Crib

There are a few obvious benefits to using a drop side crib. Envision yourself carefully cradling your sleeping infant in your arms. Along with him or her, you also grip a blanket, bottle or other necessity. As you approach the crib, you realize you will have to lift your little one over the side and carefully balance him or her as you lower the sleeping child to the mattress. What could go wrong?

Well, your baby could stir from the shifting of your arms, waking up and demanding more attention when you were hoping to get some house work or other daily task done. On the other hand, it becomes easier to lose your balance and drop the baby. Sure, the crib mattress is there, but an infant’s body is not made to take such jostling. If you are not careful, this could become a safety hazard.

If you had a drop side crib, you could leave the side lowered, which eliminates the need to lift and balance the baby over the side. Mom or dad can easily put their sleeping little one in the crib without waking them up.

The Dangers of a Drop Side Crib

While a drop side crib sounds very convenient, parents must be careful to avoid the potential dangers that can come with this type of baby bed. In order to make the drop side crib function, additional hardware and a track are installed on the crib frame. Over time, these mechanisms can wear out. A broken or weakened side can pose a serious threat to your little one. The side could suddenly slide down if your baby wakes up and tries to climb up it.

Parents should make a point to ensure the side has snapped into place firmly. Before leaving the baby’s room, apply some pressure to the side and make sure it is locked in. Also make a point to perform a visual check of the mechanism from time to time to make sure no damage or wear has occurred. This is especially important when using an old or second hand drop side crib.

A drop side crib can make life easier for new moms and dads. Before you choose one type or the other, know all the potential risks and benefits of all crib models. You may find you prefer one over the other. Also ask friends and family members who you know have already had children. They might be able to recommend a reliable brand or model of drop side crib that is safe and durable.

Click here to see Cheap Baby Cribs for sale now!

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